Desktop-Dora Pizza System
Desktop-Dora Pizza System is a C#-based desktop application that enables customers to browse a pizza menu, customize pizzas, add items to their cart, and place orders. The system also provides an admin panel for managing pizza menu items, orders, and customer data.
This desktop application is built with C# and Windows Forms (WinForms), providing an easy-to-use interface for both customers and administrators.
- Browse a variety of pizzas across different categories such as Veg, Non-Veg, and Special Pizzas.
- Customize pizzas by selecting toppings, crusts, and sizes.
- Add pizzas to the cart and manage the quantities.
- View the order summary with pricing, taxes, and total cost.
- Place orders securely and track the order status.
- Manage pizza menu items: Add, update, and remove pizzas.
- View and manage customer orders.
- Generate reports of sales and orders.
- Track the status of orders (e.g., pending, preparing, completed).
- View customer details and order history.
4. Payment System (optional)
- Simulate payment processing for placed orders.
- Generate invoices for customers.
- A simple, intuitive interface using Windows Forms for a smooth user experience.
- C# with Windows Forms (WinForms) for GUI development.
- Entity Framework for database interaction (optional).
- C# (for application logic).
- SQL Server or SQLite for database management.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 or later for development.
- .NET Framework 4.7.2+ or .NET Core (depending on the version).
- SQL Server or SQLite for database management.