Web-Travel Heart Tourism Web-Travel Heart Tourism is an informative website that showcases the best tourist destinations and locations to visit in Uva Province, Sri Lanka. The website provides detailed information about each location, including descriptions, images, and key features. The admin panel allows easy management of tourist locations and their details,...
Desktop-Dora Pizza System Desktop-Dora Pizza System is a C#-based desktop application that enables customers to browse a pizza menu, customize pizzas, add items to their cart, and place orders. The system also provides an admin panel for managing pizza menu items, orders, and customer data. This desktop application is built...
Web-Zooparc – Zoo Management System Web-Zooparc is an interactive web-based platform designed for zoo management. The platform allows users to explore zoo exhibits, view detailed information about animals, and learn more about conservation efforts. Zoo staff and admins can manage animal records, schedules, and events, making it a comprehensive tool...
SK Ai Finder – C# Application SK Ai Finder is a powerful and user-friendly C#-based desktop application designed to help users quickly find relevant AI tools and solutions. Whether you’re a researcher, developer, or enthusiast, SK Ai Finder allows you to easily search for AI resources in various domains such...
CafeMocha – Cafe Management System CafeMocha is a complete Java-based cafe management system designed to automate and streamline the daily operations of a cafe. The system includes features for managing orders, inventory, employees, and generating sales reports. Whether you run a small cafe or a chain, CafeMocha helps...
# Java Calculator https://github.com/STEPHNIE-FERNANDO/java-calculator A simple Java-based calculator application that performs basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The project provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to make it easy for users to interact with the calculator. ## Features – Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. –...
Mobile-Dora Shopping Mobile-Dora Shopping is a mobile shopping application that provides a seamless and intuitive shopping experience for users on Android. Users can browse a wide variety of products, add them to their cart, view detailed product information, and place orders directly from the app. This app is...